



Black History Month (BHM) honours the significant contributions of Black men and women to British society. 很长一段时间以来,黑人历史在英国和其他地方被忽视、贬值和歪曲. The month-long celebration acknowledges the events and people who shaped and continue to shape our society.

九五至尊5老品牌九五至尊老品牌i能源公司拥有350多名员工. 因此,庆祝和教育自己了解各种文化是至关重要的. 九五至尊5老品牌希望九五至尊5老品牌的人民了解历史, 成就, 以及特定人群所面临的问题.




我负责管理九五至尊老品牌i能源公司在九五至尊老品牌i北部7个地点的IT部门, 引领数字化转型, 信息安全 & 隐私管理、IT治理、IT预算 & 供应商管理,IT项目和项目管理. 我是高级领导团队的一员, 为公司提供日常领导, overseeing a working environment and supporting the effective achievement of the company strategy and objectives. 我负责执行, 执行和管理技术战略, 确保商业成功, 安全, 生产力和连续性. 


Black history month to me means recognition and celebration of what remarkable people that lived before us have achieved and what those amongst us are still doing. It is a true moment of reflection to see how far we have come from open discrimination and oppression to a much better world that could and would get better. 

What moment in Black history influenced or shaped your career/life or particularly resonates with you? 

Obama became the first black president of the United States of America – the number one world citizen. 这让我相信,是的,九五至尊5老品牌确实可以.  


你不要轻看初起的日子,而要刚强. 现在机会很多,但需要努力工作和明智而及时的决策. 


The knowledge that my skills and experience are adding to a legacy that generations to come will celebrate and talk about, especially the incremental differences we make in LondonEnergy to create a greener and cleaner planet.  



凯西-安·皮尔斯,法律、商业、采购主管 & 公司秘书


我目前是法务、商务、采购和公司秘书处的负责人. 这意味着我和我的团队处理所有与法律相关的LEL事务, 治理, 风险和合规确保LEL作为一家公司在法律合规的方式下运作.


关注黑人历史在任何时候都是很重要的, having a month that allows for greater focus and raises awareness on the rich contributions made and being made by the Black 社区 is really important.

黑人历史上哪一个时刻影响或塑造了你的职业/生活 resonates with you?

There are so many but I guess if I had to single one out it would be the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, 它指明了我未来的方向, 在它目前的轨迹上.


永远不要把自己的标准定得太低,因为只要你努力工作,只要你有决心,前途无量. 会有很多天花板,你会被告知你永远无法突破, 但永远不要接受否定的答案——要有适应力.


The fact that I can continue to strive to make a difference in a world that generally is not very accepting of someone like me.


很简单,这句话出自玛雅·安杰洛(Maya Angelou)的一首诗《九五至尊老品牌i》——“我的无礼让你心烦吗?? 你为什么愁眉不展? 就因为我走起路来就像客厅里有油井在抽水一样. 就像月亮和太阳一样有潮汐, 就像希望高涨, 我仍然站起来.’



I work in the warehouse division which provides departments such as mechanical and electrical with the tools they need to carry out their tasks.


Black History Month is an opportunity to inform and teach others about black history to ensure that our experiences are not erased.

What is a moment in black history that influenced or shaped your career/life or that particularly resonates with you?

黑豹党, formally known as the black panther party for Self Defence was an organisation founded by black college students in in Oakland, 1966年的加州.The party fought to have black history taught in schools and installed a strong determination for black people to accomplished and work towards their future goals.


Having the financial freedom to do what I want and provide for my family motivates me to get to work each morning.




我在IT部门担任IT基础设施工程师. I’m responsible for the support team and working with the Head of IT and Projects manager in the overall strategy of the department.




我深受塔尔萨人民的鼓舞, Oklahoma who created a prosperous district of black-owned businesses at the beginning of the twentieth century that became known as Black Wall Street.








我在九五至尊老品牌i能源公司的角色是机械维修学徒. 我和我的团队一起学习和工作,以确保工厂在安全的条件下运行良好.


Black History Month means learning about the importance of our past and why our ancestors did what they could. 这是一个提醒,让我把那段历史带在身边,确保它不会重演. 以及坚持我所相信的,即使别人不相信它.

黑人历史上哪一个时刻影响或塑造了你的职业/生活 resonates with you?

I am inspired by the bravery of Ruby Bridges who was the first black child to attend an all-white school in 1960s America. 通过勇气和决心, 她让新奥尔良小学废除了种族隔离制度.


对于那些想要开始职业生涯但又害怕的人, 只要走出去,去做,因为至少你会知道你试过了.





Oyin,法律研究生实习生 & 商业


As the Legal and 商业 Graduate Trainee I work in LEL’s Legal Department; this involves reading and reviewing contracts, 起草合同文件和变更契约, 并在遇到疑问或争议时帮助挑选关键的合同条款.

My role also involves working on insurance matters which includes working on personal injury/property damage claims filed against LEL. I gather evidence in order to defend claims and work closely with our insurer and loss adjusters to ensure the best outcome for LEL.


黑人历史月对我来说有很多不同的意义. Black History Month helps to provide a platform that allows people of African or Caribbean backgrounds to see people who look like themselves in a range of different spaces, 角色和界别.

就像其他传统庆祝月一样, 黑人历史月也提供了分享的机会, 告知和教育人们黑人历史. 在过去,BHM主要关注黑人斗争(特别是奴隶制,种族主义等).) and Black American History; both of which have their place in Black History, 但黑人的历史不仅仅是斗争,也不仅仅是美国的历史. Black History Month gives our society the chance to learn and increase awareness about Black achievements, 不仅仅是在像体育这样的热门领域, 政治, 还有音乐,还有像科技这样的小众行业, 微生物学, 神经科学, 或时尚.

黑人历史月也是庆祝非洲各地丰富文化的节日, 加勒比海和南美洲. 对我来说, 庆祝和分享我的尼日利亚传统, 食物, 音乐, 时尚与文化的融合让人产生极大的自豪感.

黑人历史上哪一个时刻影响或塑造了你的职业/生活 resonates with you?

A moment in Black History that has influenced my career is when Olivette Otele was appointment as the first Black female Professor of History in the United Kingdom in 2018. 我一直很喜欢历史, 我在普通中等教育证书上做过, A-Level and as my undergraduate degree; but across my studies from GCSE to BA I didn’t see anyone in a senior academic position in the History department that looked like me. 作为一个20岁的大学生, Olivette gave me hope that there is a space for black women in academia and in other sectors of society where black women are not typically represented.


I am motivated to work hard so I can be in the spaces that lack diversity and representation and while there, 让像我这样的人进入这些空间不那么令人生畏.

